Feature Release : Tournament Management Public Beta!

Wednesday, September 18th 2019

I am thrilled to announce that Tournament Management is now available to all PUBG Lookup members as a public beta.

Tournament management has been in a closed beta for a few months. Today (starting now!) you can request access to tournament management so that you can run tournaments for the community, your friends, your fans, and anyone that wants to be involved. I will be accepting everybody who requests access to this new feature. While it is in public beta I hope to get as much feedback as possible to make managing tournaments as useful and easy as possible so that organizers can focus on the games rather than the tedious hassle of manually calculating tournament scores.

Note: PS4 players don't have access to custom matches. Because of this, tournament management won't work for Playstation players until custom matches are released.

Go to tournament management.

Custom Scoring

You can assign points for placement and kills. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible. Assign high point values for kills for action packed tournaments that encourage getting involved. If you want a more tactical tournament, reward players for placement by assigning valuable points to those who make it to the top. Balance your points for the best of both worlds.

Solos, Duos, 3-Man Squads, 4-Man Squads and Teams up to 10 players

You are in control of your tournament settings. The team management interface is designed to let you enter participants as quickly as possible so you aren't spending all of your time configuring settings and teams. Once all of your tournament players are ready to go, you can create your custom matches and get into the action.

You don't need to remember match IDs

Forget writing down match IDs or trying to sift through match data to calculate your points. By assigining a "Tournament Observer" you'll be able to add matches from that player directly to your tournament processing. Your tournament observer should be the player that is casting the tournament or any player that is in all matches. After a chicken dinner is awarded the match will be available through the PUBG API and it's as easy as clicking "add to tournament". PUBG Lookup will process all players, all points, and update your leaderboard for you.

Public leaderboards and stream embeds

Every tournament comes with its own public leaderboard. Share your leaderboard URL with all participants, on social media, on your stream, and everywhere in between. Viewers and tournament players can follow along in real-time with your tournament standings. If you are a streamer or somebody is streaming your tournament for you you can easily embed your stream directly into the public leaderboard. If you aren't a streamer... no big deal... your public leaderboard will still show the latest scoring for your tournament.

That's just the beginning. There are more features and configuration options available. I hope you dig around and try it out!

There are tons of features in the roadmap for tournament management. I can't wait for you to try it out and I'm even more excited to watch some great console and PC competitions. Whether you're managing a league or just doing a one-off tournament with your buddies I hope you find this new tool useful and easy to use.

Don't forget to follow PUBG Lookup on Twitter for the most recent news.

If you take part in Tournament Management I would love to hear from you.

Thank you all for being a part of this community and I can't wait to watch some great tournaments!

-- Matt @ PUBG Lookup