PUBG Stats for Steam
Player search, detailed match reports, and more
Search for your Steam name and start tracking your PUBG stats now.
Match Damage Details
Get a visualization of where your bullets registered in each match. Are you getting a lot of leg damage? Get your aim up and you'll start winning gunfights.

Lifetime & Season PUBG Stats
Detailed statistics for the current season and your lifetime of PUBG. Get detailed data about your wins, kills, combat skills, survival skills and recent matches. Everything is in your browser and available on any device.

Detailed Match Reports
Get in-depth information about individual PUBG matches. Find out what your most used weapon was, how much damage you did, leaderboards, kill trees and more.

and so much more...
PUBG Lookup is packed with statistics and player details so you get the most out of your gameplay. Check out all of the features to see what you've been missing.
More FeaturesYou must sign in to search
Due to ongoing attempts to scrape data from PUBG Lookup, you have to have an account to search or view player data.
Bots and malicious code were accessing player data hundreds of times per second which exhausted the PUBG API rate limit and used unecessary server resources making the experience worse or inoperable for all users.
More PUBG stats than you can handle.
Here's a quick list of some of PUBG Lookup's features. Check out the features page for more.
Current Season Statistics
Stay on top of season stats for you and your squad. We pull statistics straight from the PUBG servers so you know you're looking at current information.
Recent Matches List
Get a preview of up to 30 of your most recent matches. Keep track of your stats while you're playing or watching your favorite streamer. Matches are updated as chicken dinners are delivered.
Detailed Match Reports
Statistics and details on specific matches help you refine your game. Damage hit region charts, damage caused and received details, and overall details help you pinpoint areas of your game to work on. Share your match with your friends to prove you won.
Match BOT player data
PUBG has introduced BOTS into matchmaking queues. You can view a lot of details about how AI players interacted in your game, how many you killed, what percentage of players are bots, and more. Read more about BOTS in PUBG here.
Weapons Statistics
Want to know where your bullets are going over multiple matches? Get information like damage per region, hits per region, kills per weapon, and more with graphs and a clean layout.
Lifetime Statistics
Not only can you get the current season's statistics but we compile all of your seasons together to give you metrics on your lifetime stats in PUBG. Compare your lifetime stats to your current season to see how you're improving.
Recent Match Statistics
Get general information about your last 5 - 30 matches. Stats like game mode spread, what weather you get most often, average damage dealt, win placement graph, average distance travelled, and more
Match Damage Details
Want to know what region you did the most damage to in a single match? Ever wondered exactly how much damage an exchange did to a player? Now you can see detailed views of your match damage.
Match Kill Trees
We take all of the match data to produce a visual "kill tree" to show you how many kills you got and how it is intertwined with the rest of the match. If you got the last kill, you'll be on top... eating chicken.
PUBG Tournaments
Do you want to organize a tournament to see who the best PUBG player in your community is? Take all of the hard work out of running a torunament with comprehensive tournament management.
Follow Players
Do you play with the same players often? Do you follow streamers on Twitch and want to know what they have been up to? You can follow other players to look at their season, match stats and recent matches.
Speaking of playing with your friends... you can set up a custom scoreboard that let's you compare up to 4 players in the last 1 - 5 matches. If you duo or squad with the same crew it's a great way to see who's carrying the group.
Mobile Friendly
Sometimes you don't have access to a desktop, laptop or tablet. That's no problem. PUBG Lookup is a responsive web app which means no matter what screen size you're using it will look great.
Desktop Friendly
If you're like me, you have a laptop next to you while you play. PUBG Lookup is a responsive web app. That means it's optimized for mobile devices, tablet devices and desktop sized screens.
XBOX, PS4, Stadia, & PC Stats
PUBG Lookup supports console and PC statistics. Stadia has recently been released and full support is coming soon. Want to follow your favorite PC streamer but still track your XBOX or PS4 stats? No problem. You can look up statistics for all players available through PUBG's API.