UPDATE - PUBG Lookup will be available on a limited scale tomorrow

Thursday, November 29th 2018

Wow. You are all incredible. I never thought in the few short hours that the announcement was live that I would get the kind of response I've gotten. You have emailed, messaged me on twitter, posted comments on Reddit and I've even gotten a donation from you kind souls.

The internet is a wonderful, horrible, beautiful, nasty, kind-hearted place.

I'm going to commit to updating what I can tonight. I think that I have found a middle ground so that these pages will still be available to PUBG Lookup users.

Will remain available

  • Recent Matches
  • Match reports
  • Recent Match Statistics

What will (likely) not be available

  • Season statistics
  • Lifetime statistics

I will do my best to get as much of the site back to fully functional as possible. I hope that those of you that use this site regularly will stick around and I hope that I can make it continue to work like it always has in the next few days. Good thing the weekend is coming up!

You all have been very, very heart warming for a nerd with a passion project. Thank you for speaking up.

  • Matt