PUBG News & Announcements

PUBG news, application updates, and blog posts about everything PUBG Lookup, PUBG, and the PUBG API.

PUBG Lookup supporters page

Posted : 6 years ago

I wanted to make sure that the supporters of PUBG Lookup were able to get recognized. I have some more updates in the works but I wanted to announce the PUBG Lookup supporters page. Without the kindness and support of the PUBG community (specifically the xbox community) this application wouldn't exist. I am grateful to every person that has said a kind word, shared PUBG Lookup with their friends, and especially those who have donated financially. It's humbling to have people appreciate your work and I am amazed at the level of support, in all forms, that I've...

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Thank you. Every last one of you.

Posted : 6 years ago

These last few days have been an absolute whirlwind. I am in awe at how this community and the users of this site have rallied behind this project. It's been humbling to say the least. I cannot wait to continue development and to grow this site for the community. I am truly, truly grateful to everyone that has supported me. Thank you. - Matt

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A new update has been released

Posted : 6 years ago

Hello everyone! For those of you that have been following along, it's been a wild ride today. At this point I have a version of the code that has been relatively lightly tested (by yours truly) and should hopefully only change one aspect of the user experience. If you navigate to a new xbox profile you'll be given the option to set the region for that profile's season. The new API updates from PUBG allow the "recent matches" page to display all recent matches regardless of region (as I understand it). PUBG is working on a new region selection process that would automatically choose the...

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