PUBG News & Announcements

PUBG news, application updates, and blog posts about everything PUBG Lookup, PUBG, and the PUBG API.

Leaderboards - Season 1 Available

Posted : 5 years ago

It's here! The first season of the leaderboards are now available for all platforms. This first season will last 6 weeks and will consist of 200 max players per leaderboard. When you join the leaderboard, the League system will calculate points for your latest 30 matches (if available). From then on out the system will automatically scan your profile for new matches and process them for points. You can play as many matches as you can fit into a 6 week period. Your best 30 matches for points will count towards your final season ranking. Check out the [rules and scoring...

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Stats overlay for streamers

Posted : 5 years ago

Hello out there! I've reacently added the ability to include a stats overlay in your stream. More features are coming soon but you can add you current season total kills and total wins to your stream right now! - Displays total wins and total kills from the current season on PUBG. - All official game modes count towards your totals. - It is designed to look like the current in-game stats for "Alive" and "Kills". - It's free. If you're interested in checking it out head over to your account settings page where there is a new "Streamer Overlay" tab with all the details you need to get started....

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Missing matches from your recent matches list

Posted : 5 years ago

Hello out there! I wanted to write an announcement about missing matches from your recent matches list (if that has happened to you) to give you the information I have about it. ### What's been going on? Some players have been reporting over the last month or so that matches are not being tracked and are missing from their recent matches list. This has been reported to the PUBG API team at length. In a recent update to the official API the API team said that the issue was resolved. Unfortunately, it wasn't. ### What happened...

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PUBG Lookup on Twitter

Posted : 5 years ago

If you haven't been following along then you're missing out! Any time a new feature is released (big or small) or an update goes out it's posted on...

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Dark mode is here!

Posted : 5 years ago

You can finally give your eyes a break with dark mode. The whole UI has been updated to allow for a black background with white text version of PUBG...

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Everything is back!

Posted : 5 years ago

The PUBG API is back in action. You should be able to view all of your season stats, match reports and everything else normally. For console players a...

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Recent Match API Update

Posted : 5 years ago

Hello everybody. As some of you know the official PUBG API has been down since the August 13th patch that went out for console players (XBOX and PS4)....

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